Typing the words “massage therapy near me,” into your search bar, you may not know what you’re really looking for. Maybe you have a tight neck or shoulders. Maybe you need to rehab an old knee injury. Or maybe you just want to relax and unwind from all the stress of daily life. But when you schedule that next appointment with your local massage therapist, you could be getting more than you ever dreamed possible.
Like a reconnection with your basic humanity.
Massage Therapy Reconnects
That’s what 46-year veteran Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), Benny Vaughn says in the latest issue of Massage Magazine. Vaughn, who at the age of 70 transformed his massage practice into a coaching practice, helping massage therapists reach their goals, posits that massage, “connects clients with their humanity.”
He argues that consciousness-driven therapies, “allow massage therapy to help people in many ways that evidence-based models cannot see, measure, or recognize.”
But Vaughn is not advocating for ditching evidence-based models either. He sees the two working together to create an important tool for healing and connecting.
The wonderful aspect of massage therapy and bodywork is we, as professionals, work with both elements . . . the sciences such as anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, neurology . . . and understand the role of energy and vibrational frequencies,”
says Vaughn.
Consciousness-Driven Massage Therapy
So what is consciousness-driven massage therapy?
As Vaughn describes it, “Massage therapy, using the power of the hands, the emotion of respect, love, compassion and caring, is what consciousness-based therapy is.”
It’s the approach that LMT, Tara Krupich favors, both in her massage therapy practice and in her Mindful Life Coaching sessions here at BodyQuirks Wellness & Massage. In fact, it’s these principles that BQ was founded on. A completely tailored, individualized approach that doesn’t just see a crick in your neck that needs to be worked out, but rather a whole system that needs to be cared for and supported so that all of your body’s parts can move in health and harmony.
But an approach like this means really listening to the client and their bodies (as they both speak) and meeting them where they are —clearing blocks, creating space, and bringing them back into alignment with their truest state.
Massage Reconnects Your Humanity
It’s this intuitive empathic approach, like the one Krupich uses, that Vaughn believes can help clients, “connect them with their humanness.”
This connection, he says is ever more crucial in these post-pandemic times, as folks search for ways to reconnect with themselves, their humanity, and the world around them.
Massage therapy is a powerful solution to support humans returning to themselves, and returning to the human experience of love, compassion, care, respect and being heard,”
says Vaughn.
Massage + Mindful Life Coaching
This combination of evidenced-based bodywork, married with more consciousness-driven therapies (using intuition, intentional touch, vibrational energy, and truly listening) is what Tara and her clients have witnessed the transformative powers of time and time again.
As Vaughn states, “when we are touching another human being with respect, care and compassion people feel better and they feel they matter because we are all children of the same universe.”
If you’re looking to reconnect with your innate humanity or to come back into alignment with your true self and greater life’s purpose, you may want to explore a more conciousness-based bodywork approach for your next massage.
To explore what Emotional Release, Mindful Life Coaching, and Energy Work can do for you, schedule a FREE introductory session with Tara today.