Well, here we are in the midst of a great transformation, rise of consciousness, a great shift. However you want look at it, it is upon us. It seems to be the human condition to need some disruption in our lives to motivate us for change. Those of us who are humanitarians and compassionate beings, of course, don’t want to see people suffer, and we always do what is in our heart to help, but being in low vibration or being afraid of what’s going on is not the solution.
A brilliant quote I like (often attributed to Einstein but whose actual origins cannot be verified) says, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.” This quote is talking about that different perspective (higher vibration), we need to rise above the thinking that caused the problem in the first place.
How to find your higher frequency
If you’re reading this, you are most likely familiar with frequencies (typically the low-based frequencies that do not feel very good to you) stem from fear. The higher-based frequencies that feel natural and good to you are coming from love.
In energy release sessions I look at stagnant energy in the body (which is a low frequency) and I find that it usually stems from unprocessed trauma or belief systems that do not serve you, etc. Our natural state is high vibration, open connected to your source energy and to the earth. When you’re in this higher vibration you feel good, your life flows with grace and ease, and if you run into hiccups … we will as we live in a dualistic universe, can easily see a solution to the issue and it does not tend to bother you. If something does trigger you, that is unprocessed belief system/trauma/low frequency vibration and it is for you and you alone to release. No one else can do that for you.
You have the power to transcend chaos
Chaos is a natural process of reform, many people do not like change, but it IS serving a purpose, as the systems we’ve had in place have not served us (the 99%) well. Good for us for standing up for what is right.
How cool is it that we have all the power to feel what we want to feel, to bring in what we want to bring in regardless of what is going on around us? That is how manifestation and transformation work.

Don’t judge
One of the first steps to release unwanted energy and reclaim your calm is to not judge anything you are feeling that is uncomfortable. If you are reading these types of blogs chances are you are judging yourself more than projecting judgment onto others (this is the M.O. or modus operandi/mode of operation of heart-centered caregiver types). Regardless of where the judgment lies, it is the same low vibration, contracting (instead of expanding) energy. When I am working with clients to release low vibration energies, the very first rule is NO judgment, as it is SO contracting.
Align with your natural state of flow and grace
Here are three handy tips for releasing triggers
1) Judgment of yourself or others will just keep you stuck as it is a very low vibration.
Since, it’s not very helpful just to tell someone not to judge, I’m going to tell you to replace it. In place of judgment, you simply use discernment. The following analogy stuck with me about the difference between judgement and discernment:
You’re in the grocery store in the produce section and you pick out some beautiful broccoli, carrots, and potatoes and lovingly put them in your basket. As you are leaving the produce section, you scream at all the other vegetables that they’re not good enough. Now, that would be silly wouldn’t it? Remember, it’s okay to have different preferences and it is okay to let people have theirs too. While that tip may have seemed a bit lengthy, it is so necessary in bringing our attention to what could be so automatic and damaging to us.
2) Identify your trigger.
When someone or something triggers you, recognize where it is in your body that you feel triggered, be grateful you know where that trigger is, so you can breathe into the space to transmute that old stuck energy/thought into a new better feeling one.
3) Know that you are NOT your thoughts.
No one can tell you what to think. We just sometimes get stuck in old records, old programmed ways of thinking, and until you shine a light on them (by questioning them) we can’t get unstuck. What do you want to think and feel? Replace that old programming with a new more favorable thought. If you haven’t been practicing mindfulness, this may sound easier said than done.
If you need a little help or guidance putting these tips into play, feel free to make an appointment with someone who does this kind of work (I do FREE 15 minute consultations). There is SO much we can do together to help reframe and reshape our experiences, even the most chaotic, triggering scenarios, to create and manifest the life we want. Even, if you just start by taking the small step of talking to a friend, focusing on what you want to see in your world, instead of what is triggering you out there in the wide world.