“Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency”, according to Dr. Norman Shealy, an American neurosurgeon and a pioneer in pain medicine. Magnesium is the most critical mineral required for electrical stability of every cell in the body. We’ve recently brought in a new line of topical magnesium supplements by Ancient […]
Body Awareness
15 posts
In the last month, we’ve had more than one client complaining of problems with kidney stones. Neither of them has had kidney issues in the past, but since their auto accidents they’d been plagued by chronic low back or kidney pain. This prompted us to do a little research, especially […]
What are the things you want in your life? What are your biggest goals, dreams or aspirations for yourself? Are you attaining them or does there seem to be unending blockades to the love, the body, the career — the life you want (and deserve)? If you don’t seem to […]