Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and the temperature is on the rise—we think it’s safe to say that spring has arrived in Portland. Unfortunately, here at BodyQuirks we’ve seen four clients recently that are still a bit frozen—but not from the winter. These clients are suffering from repetitive […]
Are you one of those people who made a list of inspired aspirations in December for the new year and now it’s February and you’re already feeling stressed out, bummed out, burned out and left with the nagging feeling that maybe somebody else wrote your list? Well, I have one thing to […]
Recently, a friend of ours came to us with debilitating knee pain due to inflammation. In addition to massage, we suggested that she try using food as a way to further reduce inflammation, rather than relying on potentially damaging NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen. What is […]