Massage therapists use a variety of tools and products to aid us in releasing your muscles. From custom made tools like our Scrapey® or Ribbit® to the use of products like oils, lotions, gels or creams (which work to reduce hand-to-skin friction and have different levels of absorption, glide, grip, slip or […]
back pain
Recently a client brought a book to show me titled, 8 Steps to a Pain-free Back by Esther Gokhale (pronounced Go-clay), because she loved the simplicity and the benefits she has received from it.
Bone spurs are something we run into from time to time, with clients who have sustained repetitive aggravation from an injury. This pointed outgrowth of bone, is most often caused by inflammation. Inflammation can encourage cells to deposit bone, eventually causing the formation of a spur. For example, inflammation of […]