No doubt about it, we are living in the information age, bombarded constantly by news and events the world over and much of what the media delivers to us in our homes and on our mobile devices, wherever we are, is doomsday laden. (What do they say, “If it bleeds, it […]
bodyquirks Portland
If you’re a sinus sufferer you may be finding that the cold weather and wind is doing a number on your sinuses. While there are many points you can work on the feet using foot reflexology to find relief from sinus pain — not everyone is flexible enough to be able to reach […]
Ever wonder why when people are stressed they often say things like, “I can’t catch my breath?” Or why when something has a reviving quality they say, “It’s like a breath of fresh air?” Innately, we all know the value of proper breathing, we’ve seen it function in our lives. […]