Summer is here (it’s supposed to hit 93 on Tuesday!) and we thought it would be a good time to remind our clients and friends to STAY HYDRATED. Dehydration is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to bad injuries, you can make what could have been a minor […]
In the last month, we’ve had more than one client complaining of problems with kidney stones. Neither of them has had kidney issues in the past, but since their auto accidents they’d been plagued by chronic low back or kidney pain. This prompted us to do a little research, especially […]
What is a muscle spasm? It’s an involuntary contraction of the muscle that is usually quite painful and which occurs suddenly and resolves just as quickly. Different than a twitching muscle, which is an uncontrolled movement of the muscle visible beneath the skin, spasms occur for a variety of reasons: […]