By Tara Krupich, LMT Emotional Strain and Empaths As I have mentioned before, being an Empath can not only be overwhelming at times, emotionally, it can also drain your body energetically and deplete your immune system. Because of the increased sensitivity to other people’s emotions including their pain, anger, or […]
energy work
9 posts
The word empathy is replete with variations — different levels of definition that cover a rather broad spectrum. Though the dictionary defines empathy as a, “vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another” it can mean everything from “I understand” or “I feel for that person,” to “Your […]
If you think you are so enlightened, go and spend a week with your parents. -Ram Dass For the past few posts, as part of our Peaceful Mind Series, we’ve been talking about creating a mind (and body!) that are more at peace […]